Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles

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 George Yepes earned a degree in business administration at the Cal-State Los Angeles, and studied painting nights at East Los Angeles College. Prior to being involved with the East Los Streetscrapers (1979-1985) he worked full-time as an accountant and part time as a muralist. He established Academia de Arte Yepes, a mural art school in Los Angeles in 1992. (Robin K. Dunitz, Street Gallery, Guide to over 1000 Los Angeles Murals) 


George Yepes

Portrait of a warrior from the ancient Greek city-state of Sparta. Photo © Robin Dunitz.

Tikkun Olam - To Repair the World

George Yepes
East LA

Biblical imagery illustrates the artist's vision.

The Phoenix of South-Central

George Yepes
South Central LA

On the bottom sides are black Madonna blessing the forehead of a girl and a saintly man blessing the heart of another child.

Nacimiento De Un Guerrillero

George Yepes
East LA

Nacimiento De Un Guerrillero (Birth of a Warrior)
Photo: © Robin Dunitz

El Tepeyac De Los Angeles

George Yepes
East LA

Traditional Madonna and child next to a more contemporary image of a Latina mother cradling her fallen gang-member son.

Mujer Del Este De Los Angeles

George Yepes
East LA

The title as inspired by Our Lady Queen of The Angels, the saint after whom the city of Los Angeles is named.